Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

basket ball tips

Basketball shooting tips
Step by step instructional footage Bball Shooting Tips from the pros
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  1. New Year's Resolution - Fantasy Managers by Edward Ongaigui

    Let me first greet you all a happy new year! Yup it's 2009 and I'm sure you all have your own New Year's resolution and I hope you are all able to do them this year. But do you have a resolution for your fantasy basketball teams?

  2. Why Bob Knight Was a Great Coach by Tim Fields

    Bob Knight is one of the greatest coaches in college basketball history. He has more wins than any other of his peers, and although his coaching career was full of highs and lows, you can't deny his effectiveness. His ability to teach the game of basketball to his players is unparalleled. This article focuses on Coach Knight's past success and his ability to teach student athletes how to 'play' the game of basketball.

  3. 6 Proven Methods to Secure College Basketball Conference Tournament Tickets by Rick Grantham

    Getting tickets for an NCAA college basketball conference tournament can be challenging. However, by following some basic steps, you can increase your chance of getting tickets.

  4. 3 Amazing NCAA Schools With Men's and Women's Basketball Championships by Rick Grantham

    How many NCAA teams have won men's and women's basketball championships? Just as interesting as the teams that are on the list, are the teams that are not. On the men's side, powerhouse Duke has won three men's championships (1991, 1992, 2001), but its female counterparts have lost both of their NCAA championship games (1999, 2006).

  5. The Role of the Assistant Basketball Coach by Thomas B Hughes

    The assistant coach is vital to the success of the athletic program. Good assistant coaches are necessary regardless of the sport or the size of the school. With a shortage of both teachers and coaches, good assistants may be hard to come by.

  6. The Art of Rebounding a Basketball Without Letting the Ball "Slip" Through Your Fingers by Patrick Ocheni

    Would you like to become an elite basketball player? If yes, you must not only be a great offensive player, but also a formidable defensive player. A very useful, fundamental skill that you must master to give your team an "edge" either while you are playing offense or defense is how to grab a rebound. Discover the Art of grabbing rebounds so that you can dominate the backboard.

  7. Basketball Tips - Mental Preparation and Focus by James Manguba

    A couple of tips that will help you prepare mentally for your next basketball game. A must read for all basketball players.

  8. Triangle Defense - The Basis For Teaching Team Defense by Ronn Wyckoff

    Triangle defense describes the floor position of each defensive player in relationship with the player they are defending, with the ball, and with the basket. The defender on the ball has only one rule and that is to maintain a body position that will block a direct path to the basket by the dribbler. I call this "Ball-Me-Basket".

  9. Basketball - How Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind Can Improve Your Free Throw Shooting Skills by Ed Palubinskas

    This article is focused on the importance of the pre-conscious, subconscious and conscious mind in relation to improving free throw shooting consistency, efficiency and eventual mastery. After all is said and done you could say that shooting mastery is 90% mental and 10% physical. It is interesting to note that average shooters are closer to 95% physical and 5% mental. Great shooting really is "mind over matter". Gaining the knowledge to control the 'matter' is the key to great shooting.

  10. Jodie Meeks News by T Cornett

    Jodie Meeks news is becoming more and more popular recently. The 6 foot 4 guard at the University of Kentucky is playing incredibly lately. There are a number of reasons the guard is excelling, which are listed below.

  11. All About Plyometrics - How Plyometrics Can Improve Your Basketball Playing by Kirk Somers

    You may be unsure as to what plyometrics are and what they can do for you, but that's okay. Plyometrics are merely a series of exercises designed to give explosive leg power. Doesn't that sound good for playing basketball? Explosive leg power.

  12. Plyometrics! Find Out How Plyometrics For Basketball Can Help You Play Basketball Better by Kirk Somers

    First of all, you might be asking, what the heck are plyometrics? Plyometrics are merely a series of exercises designed to help you play better basketball or many other sports. For example, basketball is all about explosive leg power, whether it is driving the ball down the court or jumping for the hoop.

  13. The Science of Shooting a Basketball - Your Step-by-Step Guide to Shooting Perfect Free Throws by Patrick Ocheni

    Are you sick-and-tired of being pulled out of a close basketball game, because your coach is afraid you might get fouled and you won't be able to "deliver" at the free throw line? Or, do you feel like you have been condemned to walk the plank whenever you have to shoot a foul shot? If so, you are suffering from a case of Hack-A-Shaq.

  14. Basketball - Changing Bad Habits to Improve Free Throw Shooting Mechanics by Ed Palubinskas

    This article shares some insight into the potential that bad habits have in causing shooting problems. There is a list of many possible bad mechanics that are directly related to inefficient shooting which leads to inconsistency and regular inefficiency. New knowledge is necessary to understand and recognize the shooting flaws which leads to habit changes and thus improved shooting numbers.

  15. 3 Secret Ways to Improve Your Own Vertical Projection by Kirk Somers

    Want to know the three secret ways to improve your vertical projection? They are easy, yet highly effective and will make you a terror on the basketball court. But remember to do them consistently.

    Basketball shooting tips
    Step by step instructional footage Bball Shooting Tips from the pros
    Jump 8-14+ Inches Higher
    Discover New Breakthrough Secrets & Add 14 Inches To Your Vertical Jump
  16. Basketball Hoops Competition Style by Bill Parsons

    There is a difference between playing basketball just for fun and playing for competition. Competition can be on many different levels. Competition play can be through a high school or college team, a community team, a church team, or recreation center team.

  17. Basketball Hoops - Finding the Right Hoop For Your Gymnasium by Bill Parsons

    There are tons of options for your basketball hoop systems for your gymnasium. Let this guide walk you through everything you need to know before selecting your system.

  18. Basketball Hoop & Basketball Goal Accessories by Bill Parsons

    Basketball is a fun, popular sport and a great way to connect with friends and family. A little competition is good for everyone, so why not let basketball give you the opportunity? Finding a basketball hoop that works for you is easy with so many options available today.

  19. Basketball Goals - Popular Wall Mount Basketball Systems by Bill Parsons

    Wall mounted basketball hoops are a great option for your next basketball hoop. Follow this guide to make sure you get the right hoop for you.

  20. Basketball Goals - Fixed Goals Or Flex Goals by Bill Parsons

    There are many different types of basketball goals and rims to choose from. Follow this guide to help you find the goal that meets your needs.

  21. The Need For a Basketball Shooting "Renaissance" by Ed Palubinskas

    For over 100 years now free throw shooting accuracy seems to be a constant thorn in the side of every coach on the planet. You would think that after anyone did anything for over a century we would get a lot better than mediocre. Free throw shooting has to under go a "renaissance" or a rebirth or a restructure of principles and mechanics because what we do now is not working to our expectations. This is a serious dilemma felt players, coaches and fans alike. Its a matter of understanding and application of scientific principles. These revolutionary concepts are now available.

  22. Vertical Project - Want to Improve Your Own Vertical Project? by Kirk Somers

    If you are looking to improve your vertical project so that you have better vertical on the basketball court, there are a few steps you have to take. You have to develop your program and you have to follow it closely to see results. Anyone can improve greatly with some work.

  23. How to Improve Your Vertical Leap With Your Own Project by Kirk Somers

    Are you looking to improve your vertical project? Do you want to be a terror on the baseball court or the volleyball field with crazy vertical? Then you need to start your own project to learn how to dunk higher or spike better than the other guy.

  24. Memphis Grizzlies - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold by John K S

    Never serve revenge hot, else you would burn your mouths - Seemed to be the agenda on the minds of the Memphis Grizzlies. At least, that's what one got to feel in their match against Oklahoma City Thunder!

  25. San Antonio Spurs - The Effects of Black Sea Geopolitics in Basketball by John K S

    What can two seasons do in a team camp? Two seasons can divide players, and two seasons can definitely at times bring up the form of a player. San Antonio Spurs is at the thick of some hot Geo-political action!

  26. Houston Rockets - Averaging Double Figures is Easy Game For the Rockets by John K S

    Rockets, a team full of superstars, were expected to have their stars do the bulk of the shooting. They had specialized people for every role and thus the shooters did have the onus of making the points. But then, the story unfolded quite the opposite!

  27. Dallas Mavericks - It Will Take a Lot More Than Injuries to Stop This Team by John K S

    A spate of injuries can definitely derail any process of rebuilding a team. It surely can take a team away from their game plans. Not with the Dallas Mavericks!

  28. Orlando Magic - The Prayer of Doom by John K S

    If there was a game that stretched to the final sinew, it was the Orlando Magic versus Portland Trail Blazers. Here was a game that was really decided on the final hooter!

  29. Miami Heat - Dwyane Wade For MVP! by John K S

    A string of good performances can definitely win you games. As an individual, it definitely puts you in the race of being awarded an MVP.

  30. Washington Wizards -Time to Beef-Up The Guard! by John K S

    What else can you expect from a team that is placed last in their league? When a team is placed as the Wizards, you definitely cannot expect it to blurt out reasons of the one-odd bad game. It primarily is because of a series of bad games.

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  1. The Best Way to Lose 20 Pounds Fast! by Tina Bardo

    Who else wants to know the absolute fastest, easiest and best way to lose 20 pounds in a hurry? I know in my family, the holidays bring far more than fun, frolic and friendship....they also bring something that's the loose equivalent of the "freshman 15" as well. It's we start yet another new year, for many of us, the very top of the totem pole of resolutions is something like this: "Dear me finally lose weight!" Am I reading your mind? I know....because I've been there, and more times than I care to count!

  2. How to Lose Weight in a Week? Tips to Lose 5 Pounds in a Week by Jenny Banks

    Shedding 5 pounds in a week may be difficult. But it is not mission impossible. You need to be consistent and motivated enough to achieve this goal. Let us discuss the science and art of quick weight loss.

  3. Weight Loss Plan - The 7 Secrets to Weight Loss by Lucinda Reynolds

    Are you struggling to find a good weight loss plan? Good weight loss plans are hard to come by. Here's why (1.) They are too complicated. (2.) They are too expensive. (3.) They require you to be a gourmet cook. But don't let that stop you from losing weight. Let me show what hundreds of others have used to lose weight and keep it off.

  4. The Best Diet For Obese People - Discover How to Lose 30 Pounds Or More (Without Drugs Or Surgery) by Tina Bardo

    Who else needs to lose 30 pounds or more? If you are anything like many of my readers, you've probably got your hand held high, right? It's true....especially in North America, there is an absolute epidemic of men and women ( and even some children!) who are officially obese. And with that comes all kinds of risks, from depression to diabetes, from heart disease to early, and premature death.

  5. Lose 20 Pounds in a Month! 2 Proven Ways to Lose Real Weight Safely in 30 Days Or Less! by Tina Bardo

    In this article we are going to talk about how to lose 20 pounds in a month....or more! Are you feeling the deleterious effects of having put on too much weight around the holidays? It's true....most of us do, and January is always the biggest and most popular time of the year to go on a diet!

  6. Understanding Macrobiotics by Stewart C

    A facile glance at the recent newspaper or television show would tell us that indeed, we live in the time of the Diet. Bodies are no longer just bodies, but public property meant to be scrutinized for excess fat and poor skin. Diets abound, and diet programs are all promising salvation for those who can "walk the walk" and "talk the talk".

  7. ProtiDiet - A Weight Loss Supplement Company With Potential? by Shane Crafton

    ProtiDiet is a line of weight loss supplements said to emphasize the importance of protein in the daily diet. The company currently promotes a wide range of products and has even created a diet program that these foods are meant to complement. Before trying these products or this program, we think a closer look at this company as a whole could be useful in determining the effectiveness of this weight loss approach.

  8. T Burn - Fat Reduction Through Augmented Thermogenesis by Shane Crafton

    T Burn is a holistic product created by Klik Nutrition, a relatively new addition to the weight loss arena. T Burn was designed to help users increase metabolic function and thermogenesis, which can be an integral part of the weight loss process. In this article we will look at this product's ability to help users meet their weight loss goals quickly and effectively through the use of holistic extracts, like Green Tea Extract, Caffeine and Bitter Orange. We will also explore any side effects or concerns that are associated with this product or the elements used in it.

  9. 10 Day Hoodia Diet - Is This a Short Sighted Product? by Shane Crafton

    If you were told that you could lose a lot of weight in just 10 days, you would probably jump at the opportunity and demand to know the name of the miracle product. The 10 Day Hoodia Diet is presumably that: a supplement that claims to enable dieters to set short term goals to shed unwanted pounds and keep them off. But the question is whether the weight loss can be sustained after the honeymoon phase passes.

  10. Ab Trimmer Offers Colon Cleansing For Purported Fast and Permanent Weight Loss by Shane Crafton

    Ab Trimmer may sound like a weight loss supplement or device, but it is actually a three pronged supplement based approach to colon cleaning that is imbued with an ability to ease certain conditions, as well as augment weight loss. These kinds of products have become more and more popular with consumers looking to get their weight loss and health back on track. However, there are concerns about their viability and safety, which are two issues we explore in this article.

  11. Shifting Calories - Weight Loss Or Just Water? by James Hamby

    You can follow almost any kind of diet for a few days and drop a pound or two of water weight. But as soon as you eat something with salt or stop restricting your intake as much, you'll gain the weight back. With a diet based on shifting calories, weight loss is real fat loss, not just water, even in the first 11 days.

  12. 3 Reasons Why Fat People Die Young by Tina Bardo

    That's quite a shocking title, isn't it? Kind of catches you a bit off guard...and if you're heavy like I used to be, it probably makes you a bit upset to boot, right? It did me when I first read a magazine article that said something very similar in a beauty salon a few years ago, and after looking for the email address to complain to, I decided to take a closer look at the article (and the reason behind it).

  13. All About Calorie Shifting - Things to Know For Weight Loss Success by James Hamby

    How many times have you started a diet only to be disappointed? You follow the plan religiously, and while you might lose some weight, you realize that you're starving, cranky and miserable. It's hard not to be miserable when you're constantly hungry, or when you're eating foods that keep you from feeling good. Too much meat and fat, no meat, no fruit, not even vegetables-all these can contribute to you feeling crummy, and you can even become physically ill from eating poorly.

  14. The Idiot Guide to Dieting - Dieting Tips For Weight Loss Success by James Hamby

    Have you found yourself trying a diet but then looking at all the other things you could eat and stopping? Have you found some of the diets that you try have directions that are simply too complicated to follow? Our diet will be able to help you in so many ways where others may have failed. This is a type of weight loss for idiots that is actually something that can work for anyone. Whether you over complicate the instructions you are given and then find yourself confused, have some issues with the way that confusing web sites explain their diets and more. We can help you reach your dieting goals.

  15. Losing More Than 50 Pounds by Kaleena A Lawless

    If you have more than 50 pounds to lose be careful of what exercises you try out in the beginning. Cardio activities like running for example, is very tough on the joints if you are overweight and have never run before. I know first hand because I started running when I first started to lose weight and within no time, my knees started to hurt. Avoid exercises that use body weight like full push ups and dips.

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    Attention Women
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  16. Easily Lose 5 Pounds Every 7 Days (On a Proven Diet That Tastes Like Desert!) by Tina Bardo

    Who else is really ready to start losing weight? If you are anything like most of my readers, the simple truth is that you've probably got your hand held high! With yet another festive holiday season behind us, many of us are carrying a bit more than the added weight of returning gifts around these days.

  17. How to Raise Your Metabolism? - Foods and Exercises That Increase Metabolism by Jenny Banks

    Metabolism means the way the body converts and uses the food that we eat. A person who finds it hard to lose weight would have a low metabolic rate. People who have a tendency to lose weight easily are those who have a high metabolic rate.

  18. Eyes Bigger Than Your Stomach? by Henry M John

    We are all brought up not to waste our food and to eat everything on our plate. Being chastised for not eating a lump of unappetizing gristle on our plate because the rest of the world is starving is a childhood memory for many of us, and one that stays with us forever. Whatever is put in front of us we eat, and somehow deep down, we feel better about starving people! It's a strange world.

  19. Make Your New Years Resolution Come True - Lose Body Fat Today by Carol Bliss

    The new year has begun. If you are like most people in this world, then your new years resolution is to lose body fat. The good news for you is that you are now able to lose your body fat without getting a brand new gym membership.

  20. Oprah's Dynamic Duo - The Dynamic Duo of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse is Best For Weight Loss by Tarun Jaswani

    The Dynamic Duo of Acai berry and Colon Cleanse is recommended by Oprah for weight loss. The duo complement each other to achieve quick and sustained fat loss. The process is completely natural and has no side effects.

  21. Help! I Cannot Lose Weight and Fat! Part 2 by Linda Pogue

    Portion control is more than just calorie counting. It requires an understanding of how much a portion is, and how to measure it. Without this understanding, losing weight is very difficult.

  22. Get in Shape to Stay in Shape by Henry M John

    Here's a direct question...when was the last time you took 'intentional' exercise? I mean aerobic exercise that actually got your heart pumping? Can't remember? Oh, you walk as much as you can, but you don't do intentional exercise. You think you're quite fit enough, but maybe a bit chubby round the gills. If you don't take intentional exercise you need to think of starting before it's too late.

  23. Safe Fat Burners - Food That Safely Helps Burn Fat by Jenny Banks

    Unwanted fat is something that every one of us wants to get rid of. There are several methods to burn calories. But the million-dollar question is how it can be flushed out safely. Proper food selection is the safest way for weight loss.

  24. How to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks? Top Tips to Lose 10 Pounds in Two Weeks by Jenny Banks

    Losing 10 pounds in two weeks sounds quite audacious. But nothing is impossible. Only you need proper guidance and right attitude. There are several individual approaches to this mission. But as the time duration is less you need a blend of these.

  25. How to Quickly Lose Weight Today by Jordan Victoria

    Do you want to know the best way to lose weight and get in shape? It's very simple but hardly anyone knows it.

  26. Eat For Weight Loss by Jordan Victoria

    Do you wonder why most people that try to lose weight fail? It's simple, they aren't eating right.

  27. Great Guides to Weight Loss by Jordan Victoria

    Looking for some great tips on how to lose weight? Find out how easy it can be to lose the extra weight.

  28. Metabolism Boosters - Top Natural Metabolism Boosters by Jenny Banks

    Metabolism means the number of calories our body burns while doing any form of physical work or even while sleeping. People who burn calories slowly tend to become fat. This means that their energy (calories) take longer to burn and therefore fat accumulates which results in their gaining weight.

  29. Professional Weight Loss Tips For 2009 by Steve Hill

    It is the start of a new year, 2009, and many people are once again starting out on a new diet or weight loss campaign. In this article I will be providing people with help and assistance that will hopefully prove to be beneficial in ensuring that this is one diet that ultimately proves to be successful.

  30. You Want to Know How Long Does it Take to Get in Shape? by Diane Winter

    How long does it take to get in shape? This is a common question many people ask especially those who have been planning to lose weight but need some fitness tips how to do it the right way. How long it will take to get in shape depends on the person.

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Attention Women
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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009

how to be basketball player

  1. Basketball Tips - Mental Preparation and Focus by James Manguba

    A couple of tips that will help you prepare mentally for your next basketball game. A must read for all basketball players.

  2. Triangle Defense - The Basis For Teaching Team Defense by Ronn Wyckoff

    Triangle defense describes the floor position of each defensive player in relationship with the player they are defending, with the ball, and with the basket. The defender on the ball has only one rule and that is to maintain a body position that will block a direct path to the basket by the dribbler. I call this "Ball-Me-Basket".

  3. Basketball - How Your Conscious and Subconscious Mind Can Improve Your Free Throw Shooting Skills by Ed Palubinskas

    This article is focused on the importance of the pre-conscious, subconscious and conscious mind in relation to improving free throw shooting consistency, efficiency and eventual mastery. After all is said and done you could say that shooting mastery is 90% mental and 10% physical. It is interesting to note that average shooters are closer to 95% physical and 5% mental. Great shooting really is "mind over matter". Gaining the knowledge to control the 'matter' is the key to great shooting.

  4. Jodie Meeks News by T Cornett

    Jodie Meeks news is becoming more and more popular recently. The 6 foot 4 guard at the University of Kentucky is playing incredibly lately. There are a number of reasons the guard is excelling, which are listed below.

  5. All About Plyometrics - How Plyometrics Can Improve Your Basketball Playing by Kirk Somers

    You may be unsure as to what plyometrics are and what they can do for you, but that's okay. Plyometrics are merely a series of exercises designed to give explosive leg power. Doesn't that sound good for playing basketball? Explosive leg power.

  6. Plyometrics! Find Out How Plyometrics For Basketball Can Help You Play Basketball Better by Kirk Somers

    First of all, you might be asking, what the heck are plyometrics? Plyometrics are merely a series of exercises designed to help you play better basketball or many other sports. For example, basketball is all about explosive leg power, whether it is driving the ball down the court or jumping for the hoop.

  7. The Science of Shooting a Basketball - Your Step-by-Step Guide to Shooting Perfect Free Throws by Patrick Ocheni

    Are you sick-and-tired of being pulled out of a close basketball game, because your coach is afraid you might get fouled and you won't be able to "deliver" at the free throw line? Or, do you feel like you have been condemned to walk the plank whenever you have to shoot a foul shot? If so, you are suffering from a case of Hack-A-Shaq.

  8. Basketball - Changing Bad Habits to Improve Free Throw Shooting Mechanics by Ed Palubinskas

    This article shares some insight into the potential that bad habits have in causing shooting problems. There is a list of many possible bad mechanics that are directly related to inefficient shooting which leads to inconsistency and regular inefficiency. New knowledge is necessary to understand and recognize the shooting flaws which leads to habit changes and thus improved shooting numbers.

  9. 3 Secret Ways to Improve Your Own Vertical Projection by Kirk Somers

    Want to know the three secret ways to improve your vertical projection? They are easy, yet highly effective and will make you a terror on the basketball court. But remember to do them consistently.

  10. Basketball Hoops Competition Style by Bill Parsons

    There is a difference between playing basketball just for fun and playing for competition. Competition can be on many different levels. Competition play can be through a high school or college team, a community team, a church team, or recreation center team.

  11. Basketball Hoops - Finding the Right Hoop For Your Gymnasium by Bill Parsons

    There are tons of options for your basketball hoop systems for your gymnasium. Let this guide walk you through everything you need to know before selecting your system.

  12. Basketball Hoop & Basketball Goal Accessories by Bill Parsons

    Basketball is a fun, popular sport and a great way to connect with friends and family. A little competition is good for everyone, so why not let basketball give you the opportunity? Finding a basketball hoop that works for you is easy with so many options available today.

  13. Basketball Goals - Popular Wall Mount Basketball Systems by Bill Parsons

    Wall mounted basketball hoops are a great option for your next basketball hoop. Follow this guide to make sure you get the right hoop for you.

  14. Basketball Goals - Fixed Goals Or Flex Goals by Bill Parsons

    There are many different types of basketball goals and rims to choose from. Follow this guide to help you find the goal that meets your needs.

  15. The Need For a Basketball Shooting "Renaissance" by Ed Palubinskas

    For over 100 years now free throw shooting accuracy seems to be a constant thorn in the side of every coach on the planet. You would think that after anyone did anything for over a century we would get a lot better than mediocre. Free throw shooting has to under go a "renaissance" or a rebirth or a restructure of principles and mechanics because what we do now is not working to our expectations. This is a serious dilemma felt players, coaches and fans alike. Its a matter of understanding and application of scientific principles. These revolutionary concepts are now available.

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    Basketball shooting tips
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  16. Vertical Project - Want to Improve Your Own Vertical Project? by Kirk Somers

    If you are looking to improve your vertical project so that you have better vertical on the basketball court, there are a few steps you have to take. You have to develop your program and you have to follow it closely to see results. Anyone can improve greatly with some work.

  17. How to Improve Your Vertical Leap With Your Own Project by Kirk Somers

    Are you looking to improve your vertical project? Do you want to be a terror on the baseball court or the volleyball field with crazy vertical? Then you need to start your own project to learn how to dunk higher or spike better than the other guy.

  18. Memphis Grizzlies - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold by John K S

    Never serve revenge hot, else you would burn your mouths - Seemed to be the agenda on the minds of the Memphis Grizzlies. At least, that's what one got to feel in their match against Oklahoma City Thunder!

  19. San Antonio Spurs - The Effects of Black Sea Geopolitics in Basketball by John K S

    What can two seasons do in a team camp? Two seasons can divide players, and two seasons can definitely at times bring up the form of a player. San Antonio Spurs is at the thick of some hot Geo-political action!

  20. Houston Rockets - Averaging Double Figures is Easy Game For the Rockets by John K S

    Rockets, a team full of superstars, were expected to have their stars do the bulk of the shooting. They had specialized people for every role and thus the shooters did have the onus of making the points. But then, the story unfolded quite the opposite!

  21. Dallas Mavericks - It Will Take a Lot More Than Injuries to Stop This Team by John K S

    A spate of injuries can definitely derail any process of rebuilding a team. It surely can take a team away from their game plans. Not with the Dallas Mavericks!

  22. Orlando Magic - The Prayer of Doom by John K S

    If there was a game that stretched to the final sinew, it was the Orlando Magic versus Portland Trail Blazers. Here was a game that was really decided on the final hooter!

  23. Miami Heat - Dwyane Wade For MVP! by John K S

    A string of good performances can definitely win you games. As an individual, it definitely puts you in the race of being awarded an MVP.

  24. Washington Wizards -Time to Beef-Up The Guard! by John K S

    What else can you expect from a team that is placed last in their league? When a team is placed as the Wizards, you definitely cannot expect it to blurt out reasons of the one-odd bad game. It primarily is because of a series of bad games.

  25. The Vertical Project - Learn How to Jump Higher Easier by Kirk Somers

    For your own vertical project, you want to maximize your training program to get results fast. How do you do this? Easy.

  26. How to Score More Points by Using Screens More Effectively by Andy Louder

    We all know that there is a whole lot more to the game of basketball than putting the ball in the hoop. However, when it comes down to individual players trying to establish themselves, nothing matters more. It's no secret.

  27. The Number One Thing You Can Do to Improve Your Vertical Project by Kirk Somers

    The number one thing you can do to improve your vertical project is proper weight training. But not just any weight training. Developing your vertical project is crucial to many sports like basketball, volleyball, or track and field, and many more sports.

  28. Basketball Training by Patrick Ocheni

    Specificity training...The secret to achieving lightening-quick speed, gravity-defying hops, bone-crushing strength, and energizer-bunny stamina on the basketball court, regardless of your current basketball skill level. Are you getting pushed around on the basketball court?

  29. Ari Becomes an Amazing Basketball Player by Margo Duncan

    Ari is very competitive so when he is not doing as well as he thinks he should be he sets a goal for himself. For example, when he was playing basketball against kids that were a few years older and far better than him, he did not give up.

  30. What to Eat on Gamedays by Evan Pfaff

    I was at the mega gym by my house on Saturday and had just gotten done doing bench press when two friends showed up. They were there to shoot hoops, so I decided to join them. Well anyone who has ever tried to shoot baskets after working out can attest that you are not at your best.

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